
Thursday 24 October 2013

Alternative Cancer Cure

Dipetik dari FB Alternative Cancer Cure (

TAK sangka.. 

Kita SELALU buat perkara ni, dan sebenarnya boleh sebabkan KANSER!! Satu perkongsian yang dapat menyelamatkan ramai insan di sekeliling kita... 
Dr. Stephen memperlakukan pesakit Cancer dgn cara yg "un-ortodoks" & banyak pesakit Sembuh! Ia percaya pada penyembuhan alami dlm tubuh terhadap penyakit. Ubat utk Cancer sudah ditemui ! Anda percaya? 

Saya berdukacita bagi pesakit cancer yg meninggal di bawah rawatan konvensional. Pesakit cancer tidak seharusnya mati ! 

Menurut DR. Shu, 3 generasi Sinshe di Taiwan: Makan buah segar dan caranya! Ini sangat informatif! Umumnya makan buah berarti membeli buah, cuci, memotongnya & masukkan ke dalam mulut kita... Tapi tidak semudah yg kita pikirkan! Pengetahuan penting bagaimana & bila harus makan buah. 


Buah bercampur dengan makanan lain akan membusuk & menghasilkan gas sehingga lambung akan kembung! Menurut penelitian Dr Herbert Shelton; Jika Anda telah menguasai cara yang benar makan buah2an, Anda memiliki; badan yang sihat, Penuh tenaga, Tubuh dan fikiran jadi tenang & berat badan normal. Makan buah yang segar dan bersih (Bukan buah/Jus dalam bungkusan/botol Plastik) lebih baik dari pada minum jus.

Tapi jika terpaksa minum jus, maka minumlah seteguk demi seteguk secara perlahan, karana Anda harus membiarkannya bercampur degan air liur Anda sebelum menelannya. MINUM AIR SEJUK@AIS BATU SELEPAS MAKAN ADALAH salah satu penyebab KANSER!! 

Air sejuk akan membuat makanan yang berminyak menjadi (BEKU) maka akan jadi lemak bertoksin (RACUN). Cara Terbaik adalah: Minum air PANAS ATAU SUAM selepas makan Makan buah segar saat perut kosong. BANTU SHARE PADA KAWAN-KAWAN. Terima kasih...

Friday 15 February 2013


Bab 1: Pengenalan
1.1  Latarbelakang

Bahasa Melayu ialah bahasa Melayu - Polesia daripada rumpun bahasa - Austronesia. Dibahagikan kepada tiga tahap, iaitu bahasa Melayu kuno, klasik dan moden. Tahap pertama dari abad 7 hingga abad 13, iatu pada zaman kerajaan Srivijaya sebagai bahasa lingua-franca dan pentadbiran. 

Terdapat pengaruh bahasa Sankrit. menggunakan tulisan Pallawa. Tahap kedua dari abad 13 hingga abad 19. Terdapat pada batu bersurat Pagar Ruyung (Minangkabau), Minye tujuh (Acheh) dan Kuala Berang (Terengganu). Tulisan Jawi. Perkembangan tiga tahap,iaitu zaman Melaka, Acheh, dan Johor-Riau. Seterusnya, zaman moden bermula pada abad 19.

Sebelum kedatangan British, bahasa Melayu menjadi bahasa perantaraan, pentadbiran, kesusasteraan dan pengantar sekolah agama Islam. Pada zaman pemerintahan British, bahasa Melayu dipinggirkan. Selepas merdeka, bahasa Melayu dijadikan bahasa kebangsaan

1.2  Definisi Ligua Franca

Lingua franca (dari bahasa Itali, bererti bahasa Frank) atau bahasa perantara merupakan bahasa perantaraan yang digunakan secara sistematik untuk tujuan perhubungan antara orang-orang yang tidak sama bahasa ibundanya, khususnya bahasa ketiga yang berbeza dari bahasa ibunda dua belah pihak.

Lingua franca ditakrifkan berdasarkan fungsi, tanpa mengambil kira sejarah atau struktur bahasa itu:[walaupun ada bahasa campuran (pijin dan kreol) yang berperanan sebagai lingua franca, namun kebanyakan lingua franca bukan bahasa campuran. Istilah lingua franca juga memaksudkan bahasa yang dikhususkan dalam bidang tertentu, seperti bahasa Inggeris untuk kajian sains. 

Lingua franca bersinonim dengan bahasa penghubung (vehicular language). Padahal bahasa vernakular merupakan bahasa asli dalam lingkungan sebuah komuniti penuturnya, bahasa vehicular pula menjangkaui batas komuniti asalnya, lalu dijadikan bahasa kedua untuk kegunaan perhubungan antara komuniti. Contoh, bahasa Inggeris adalah bahasa vernakular di England, tetapi di Filipina pula dijadikan bahasa penghubung (iaitu lingua franca). 

Bahasa perantaraan antarabangsa seperti bahasa Esperanto direka dengan tujuan berperanan sebagai linguas franca, tetapi sayangnya penerimaannya tidak memberangsangkan (contohnya, bahasa Esperanto dianggarkan cuma ada 100,000 hingga 2 juta penutur fasih di seluruh dunia).

1.3  Sejarah Bahasa Melayu

Sejarah membuktikan bahawa bahasa Melayu mampu menjadi bahasa lingua franca. Pada zaman kegemilangan zaman Kesultanan Melayu Melaka, bahasa Melayu dituturkan oleh semua pedagang dari Arab, China, India dan Eropah. Ketika itu, bahasa Melayu dianggap sebagai bahasa perpaduan dan bahasa komunikasi antarabangsa. Dianggarkan lebih 300 juta orang di seluruh dunia boleh bertutur dalam bahasa Melayu

Dari aspek sejarah, bahasa Melayu berasal daripada rumpun bahasa Austronesia atau dikenali juga sebagai bahasa Melayu-Polinesia. Bahasa Melayu berkembang menjadi pelbagai dialek yang unik dan tersendiri. Pada hari ini, bahasa Melayu digunakan sebagai bahasa rasmi dan bahasa kebangsaan di Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapura dan Brunei. Di Malaysia, bahasa Melayu dimartabatkan dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan (Perkara 152) yang menyatakan bahawa bahasa Melayu ialah bahasa rasmi negara.

Atas faktor tertentu, bahasa Melayu dikenali juga sebagai bahasa Malaysia. Bahasa Melayu merupakan antara sepuluh bahasa di dunia yang mempunyai penutur yang paling ramai.
Bilangan pengguna bahasa Melayu semakin meningkat dari setahun ke setahun namun masih tidak dianggap sebagai kuasa bahasa utama kerana terpaksa bersaing atau dalam erti kata lain, dinafikan hak dan upayanya dek kehadiran bahasa lain seperti bahasa Inggeris. Bahasa Melayu sebenarnya mempunyai nilai komersial, unik dan kaya kosa kata. Terdapat pelbagai faktor dalaman dan luaran yang menjadi penyebab bahasa Melayu dipandang sinis dalam kancah keilmiahan dan ketamadunan jati diri bangsa.

Bahasa Melayu merupakan bahasa perpaduan, dituturkan oleh pelbagai lapisan masyarakat sebagai bahasa perhubungan utama, bahasa diplomatik, bahasa perundangan, bahasa pentadbiran, bahasa perdagangan dan sebagainya. Namun begitu, sesetengah pihak menganggap bahasa Melayu tidak mantap dan belum boleh dibanggakan kerana status pencapaian yang merudum jika dibandingkan dengan pencapaian yang dicatatkan pada zaman kegemilangan Melayu terdahulu. Yang menyedihkan, terdapat segelintir rakyat dan pemimpin seolah-olah meminggirkan peranan bahasa kita.

Secara realitinya, dalam konteks perundangan dan perlembagaan, bahasa Melayu telah kukuh dek kerana Perkara 152 Perlembagaan Persekutuan. Secara tersiratnya, bahasa Melayu seolah-olah hilang upaya untuk bersaing sebagai bahasa ilmu yang terkemuka di dunia. Banyak faktor yang dikesani menjadi penyebab utama akan hal ini.

Tuesday 29 January 2013

Sistem Sokongan Keputusan (Decision Support System)

1.      Pengenalan DSS

Satu sistem sokongan keputusan (DSS) adalah satu sistem maklumat berasaskan komputer yang menyokong perniagaan atau aktiviti organisasi membuat keputusan.DSSs berkhidmat pengurusan, operasi dan tahap perancangan sesebuah organisasi dan membantu untuk membuat keputusan, yang mungkin pesat berubah dan tidak mudah ditentukan terlebih dahulu. Sistem sokongan keputusan boleh menjadi sama ada berkomputer sepenuhnya, manusia atau gabungan kedua-duanya. DSS termasuk sistem berasaskan pengetahuan.

DSS yang direka bentuk adalah satu sistem interaktif berasaskan perisian yang bertujuan untuk membantu pembuat keputusan menyusun maklumat yang berguna daripada gabungan data dokumen, mentah, dan pengetahuan peribadi, atau model perniagaan untuk mengenal pasti dan menyelesaikan masalah dan membuat keputusan.

Maklumat tipikal bahawa keputusan permohonan sokongan mungkin mengumpul dan membentangkan termasuk:
  • Inventori aset maklumat (termasuk legasi dan hubungan sumber data, kiub, gudang data, dan data mart)
  • Perbandingan angka jualan antara satu tempoh dan seterusnya
  • Unjuran angka pendapatan berdasarkan jualan produk andaian.

 Objektif DSS

  • Bantu sediakan sokongan kepada pengurus dalam proses pembuatan keputusan
  • Bantu pengurus bukan ganti pengurus dalam pembuatan keputusan.
  • Bantu keberkesanan proses membuat keputusan berbanding kecekapan.

Manfaat Daripada DSS

  1. Meningkatkan kecekapan peribadi
  2. Mempercepatkan proses membuat keputusan
  3. Meningkatkan kawalan organisasi
  4. Menggalakkan penerokaan dan penemuan di bahagian pembuat keputusan
  5. Mempercepatkan penyelesaian masalah dalam sesebuah organisasi
  6. Memudahkan komunikasi antara perorangan
  7. Menggalakkan pembelajaran atau latihan
  8. Menjana bukti baru dalam sokongan keputusan
  9. Mewujudkan kelebihan daya saingan berbanding persaingan
  10. mendedahkan pendekatan baru untuk memikirkan tentang penyelesaian masalah
  11. Membantu mengautomasikan proses pengurusan
  12. Mewujudkan idea-idea berinovatif untuk meningkatkan prestasi

Tujuan menggunakan DSS:

  • menigkatkan keberkesana di peringkat pengurusan untuk memberi keputusan terutama dalam tugas yang kompleks.
  • menggunakan data dan model untuk membuat keputusan. Untuk menyelesaikan masalah berstruktur,semi berstruktur, tak berstruktur.
  • Pihak yang membuat keputusan perlu membuat keputusan yang tepat jitu, terkini, agar keputusan berkualiti dan efektif..
  • Sistem yang memberi kemudahan kpd pengurus untuk menyelesaikan mslah berstruktur, semi berstruktur, tak berstruktur.

Monday 28 January 2013

Air Conditioning Buying Guide & Tips

With myriad air conditioners available --- split system, window/wall or mobile (movable) units --- our air conditioning guide makes sense of terminology, like reverse cycle and inverter, so you can decide which air con suits you. ?

Room Size Vs. Air Conditioner Capacity

Match the air conditioning unit to the size of the room it's cooling. As a rule of thumb, the bigger the room, the more powerful an air con unit will have to be to cool it:
  • Underpowered air conditioners will have to work harder, wasting energy.
  • Overpowered air conditioners are an unnecessary expense.

How Much Capacity Will I Need?

Air conditioners are rated by BTU (British Thermal Unit) and power output, in kilowatts (kW). To work out the approximate sized air con you'll need, apply this simple formula:
  • Bedroom: 80 watts (0.080kW) per square metre (length by width). For example, a 16m² bedroom should need around 1.28kW of air conditioning
  • Living room: 125 watts (0.125kW) per square metre. For example, a 30m² living room should require around 3.75kW
Proximity to the kitchen and appliances increases a room's required cooling.

Which Type Of Air Conditioner?

  • Ducted: Cool multiple rooms through a large cooling fan, which sits outside and pumps cool air around the building through ducts, which are housed in the ceiling cavity.
  • Window units: Mounted through a window/wall. These are excellent for small rooms.
  • Split system: The cooling unit is installed outside, with the fans mounted inside. A split system air conditioner is suited to cooling one or more adjoining rooms.
  • Multi-split system: Utilising one outdoor unit, with multiple fan units inside to distribute the cool air throughout the house.
  • Portable: Small, light and mobile, so they're movable from room to room. Portable units have a low power output, suited to small spaces -\ apartments and renters.
  • Evaporative coolers: Appear like cheaper versions of portable air conditioners, but do not use refrigerant technology. They work by drawing air past a special water-cooled filter system.

Technical Terms You Should Know

Reverse cycle: The reverse cycle air conditioner internally reverses its operation to provide heating or cooling, as required.
Inverter system: Constantly alters fan and motor speeds. This enables faster cooling of a room, and the inverter air conditioner doesn't have to switch itself on and off to maintain a constant temperature.

Energy Efficiency: The Energy Label

Registered suppliers supplying registrable goods must affix the Energy Label on the units that they supply in Singapore. The Energy Label shall be affixed only after the National Environment Agency (NEA) has issued the Certificate of Registration (COR) for the model. Retailers are only allowed to display models that have the label affixed on them.
The more ticks, the better the appliance’s energy efficiency.
Manufacturers of inverter systems claim that they are 30 per cent more efficient during partial load.

Is it Noisy?

If you're considering an outdoor air conditioning unit, check the relevant noise level regulations.

Are Filters Necessary?

Yes. Good air conditioning units will use filters to prevent bacteria and allergens being recycled through the room.
  • It's important to clean the filter every few weeks.
  • Some units have an indicator to show when the filter needs changing.

Positioning Is Important

  • Avoid positioning the air conditioning unit on the side of the house that gets the most sun; this will cause it to be less efficient.
  • For efficient cooling, mount the unit high in the room --- cool air sinks.


Do not attempt to install a split or ducted system without holding the appropriate licenses. This will also void you warranty.

Simple Air Conditioning Choices

  • Room size: Match the power of an air conditioner to the room size.
  • Type: Choose from central ducted, window units, split systems and portable.
  • Filters: Prevent bacteria and allergens from being recycled through the room.

source :

Thursday 17 January 2013

Hobs Buying Guide and Tips

Are you looking for a Hobs but don't know whether gas, electric or induction Hobs best suit your needs? Our buying guide helps break down your choices and the advantages of each when looking to buy a new hob for your kitchen.

What Are The Types Of Hobs?

Gas Hobs
Utilize a gas flame to heat cookware.
  • Instant heat control and visual feedback when controlling the flame.
  • There's a wide variety of designs and finishes: as a rule, enamel is easier to clean than glass or stainless steel.
  • Buy a gas hobs with a wok burner, or place a grill on top for barbecuing.
  • Look for flat cookware supports (trivets) that provide a stable support for your pots and pans.

Electric Hobs
Use electricity to heat an element, which heats cookware on contact.
  • Ceramic radiant hobs: Use coiled metal elements under tempered ceramic glass. Other ceramic hob elements use halogen bulbs to create heat. Semi-halogen burners combine a halogen bulb with a coiled metal element.
  • Radiant coil hobs: Found on cheaper stove tops, radiant coil hobs utilise a coil element to heat cookware directly.
  • Solid hotplate hobs: A low-cost electric option. Slower to heat up and cool down than other hobs.

Induction Induction coils on the hob generate a magnetic field that induces heat in cookware placed on top. Essentially, the saucepan or pot becomes the element, so the hob surface doesn't get hot. Since most of the energy is produced in the saucepan itself, the heat response is quicker and more efficient. Induction is the fastest cooking method, taking about half the time of other hob to boil water.
Combination Hobs If you can't decide between gas and electricity, have the best of both with a dual-fuel hob, such as a gas set-up with an electric element.

How Important Is Cookware?

  • Induction hobs: Cookware needs to be close to the same size as the diameter of the hotplates. Pans that overhang won't heat properly around the edges, and those that are too small won't be recognised.
  • Electric and gas hobs: Choose pans with a flat base for good contact with the element.

Temperature Control -- What's Its Function?

One of the most important elements of cooking and food preparation is temperature control. A hob that heats up too fast, or is unpredictable can burn food.
  • Gas hobs are more controllable than electric hobs.
  • Electric hobs are useful for cooking at low temperatures, such as a slow simmer.
  • Induction is just as controllable as gas, with fast responsiveness to changes in heat settings.

Should I Consider Size And Space?

Take into account where your hob will be installed. Do you have the bench space to fit it? Also consider the ventilation and clearance for both the range hood and cupboards.

Is Design A Significant Factor?

  • A good hob will have an easy-to-clean design -- a flat surface, free of dirt traps.
  • Induction hobs are easy to clean because their flat surface doesn't heat up, meaning food doesn't bake onto the surface.
  • Look for easy-to-use control knobs; a good size, with easy-to-read temperature level markings.

Match Your Lifestyle

Cost: A ceramic hob is the most affordable option.
Space: Choose a hob that uses your kitchen bench space most effectively.
Cookware: Save money by using your existing pots and pans.

Size: Look for a hob with more than the standard four elements.
Speed: Induction hobs are quick and can save time.
Safety: With kids hovering around the kitchen, induction hobs are cool enough to touch while cooking.

Aspiring Chefs
Control: As the industry standard, a gas hob gives instant heat control.
Design: Look for a hob that's easy to clean as you cook.
Versatility: Gas hobs can be had with a wok burner and hotplate.

Simple Hobs Choices

Cooking control: Gas and induction offer the most control over your cooking.
Energy efficiency: Induction hobs lose little heat thanks to direct contact with pots and pans.
Size and space: Ensure you have the necessary bench and ventilation space to fit your new hob.


Safety: Many electric hob have a residual-heat warning light that stays on until the hob has cooled.
Accessories: Look for wok burners and grills on gas hobs.

Source :

Fridges Buying Guide and Tips

Fridges have come along since days of "freezer at the top, fridge down the bottom." Today, there's a refrigerator --- like fridge freezers and bar fridge --- to suit everyone. Our guide compares types and outlines what to consider.

What Are The Fridge Types?

Before you decide which fridge to buy, it's important to compare the different types and understand what their different layouts offer.
  • Freezer sits above the fridge compartment.
  • Wide shelf space.
  • These are the most common type of fridge.

Bottom-Mount (aka Upside-Down):
  • The fridge section is above the freezer.
  • Having the fridge at eye level means you don't need to bend down to access (non-frozen) food.

  • The fridge and freezer sections are beside each other, with doors opening outwards.
  • Usually wider than top and bottom-mount fridges, so consider the available space in your kitchen.

  • The lid is on top and opens upwards.
  • Large internal space.

Wine Fridge:
  • Toughened, double-glazed glass doors give better thermal insulation and energy efficiency.
  • Dual-zone wine fridges have two separate compartments with independent temperature controls. Perfect for keeping the red and white wines separate.
  • Adjustable shelving in the bar fridge accommodates different bottle shapes and sizes.

Which Size Suits Me?

Measure the available space in your kitchen to make sure that there is at least 50mm of extra space around the back and the sides for ventilation. It's also a very good idea to measure all the access points in your house or unit, such as stair cases, doorways, and the roof clearance.

Considerations About Capacity

  • A household with two people: capacity of 250-300L.
  • Average family of four: capacity above 400L.

Energy Efficiency Is Important: The Energy Label

Registered suppliers supplying registrable goods must affix the Energy Label on the units that they supply in Singapore. The Energy Label shall be affixed only after the National Environment Agency (NEA) has issued the Certificate of Registration (COR) for the model. Retailers are only allowed to display models that have the label affixed on them.
The more ticks, the better the appliance’s energy efficiency.

What Is Frost-Free?

Frost-free prevents ice build-up and eliminates the need for manual defrosting by using a fan to circulate dry, cold air throughout the freezer. It also improves food quality and energy efficiency by evenly distributing the cold air.

Shelves And Compartments

  • Adjustable shelving accommodates food in all shapes and sizes.
  • Look for smooth removable shelves made from moulded plastic or safety glass. They are easier to clean.
  • Spill-proof shelves have a small gutter to catch spills and stop leaks.
  • Salad crispers keep vegetables at the perfect temperature.
  • Dairy compartments prevent cross-contamination with other foods.
  • Deep-door storage offers greater versatility; milk and juice bottles just keep getting bigger\!

Controlling The Temperature

  • Adjust the temperature to suit your groceries.
  • Some fridges offer compartments with separate temperature control.
  • Some side-by-side models include drawers that can be controlled independently.
  • Digital controls, via an LED display, are easy to use and read.

What Is Anti-Bacterial Protection?

Anti-bacterial systems help destroy bacteria on food, preventing mould or mildew build-up, to make food last longer.

Is It Noisy?

Before making your purchase, find out how loud the fridge's internal fans, motors, automatic timers, and ice dispensers are. The last thing you want is to be stuck in a studio apartment next to a noisy fridge.

Suit Your Style And Space

Fridges are generally available in plastic or stainless steel finishes. Some refrigerators allow you to change the direction in which the door opens for greater versatility.

Optional Extras

  • Twin cooling systems cool the fridge and freezer separately by using independent evaporators and fans.
  • Fridges with four compartments have independently adjusted temperature settings, allowing each of them to be used as fridge freezers.

UsageSizeTypeOptional Features
Small Space300LTop-mountReversible door
Family400LSide-by-sideAnti-bacterial protection
Entertainer450LFrench DoorTwin-cooling system

Simple Fridge Choices

Fridge types: Top\- and bottom-mount, side-by-side, French-door, pigeon pair, chest-style and wine fridge.
Size: For a household of two, 300L should be ample. A family of four should look for 540-620L.
Energy Rating: Fridges with more stars and lower kilowatt hours (kWh) are more efficient.

Optional Extras:

Super-thin insulation technology: For greater internal capacity.
Twin cooling system: Cools the fridge and freezer separately.

Source : 

Sunday 6 January 2013

Beli Lampu Dan Kipas Murah

Hari ni Uncle Az nak share dengan korang kat mana nak beli lampu & kipas dengan banyak and murah. Mesti korang teruja kan, lebih - lebih lagi bagi mereka yang nak masuk rumah baru.. Almaklumlah bila kita nak masuk rumah baru semua barang kita nak yang baru - baru belaka.Tapi awas spouse baru tak boleh tau..hahaha..

Kedai ni wife Uncle Az yang survey kat blog & tanya - tanya org. Uncle Az just follow je dia masa tu. Tapi before we all pergi ke sana adalah juga kami survey beberapa tempat kat Kota Damansara, Meru, Setia Alam & Klang. So memang tak boleh beat lah harga yang kedai ni offer kat client dia org.

Kedai yang dimaksudkan ini adalah House Lighting terletak kat Puchong, Selangor. Ini addressnya:

Houses Lightings Enterprise, No. 33-35, Jalan BPU 6, Bandar Puchong Utama, Puchong, 47100, Puchong, Selangor, 47100, Malaysia (Monday Off)

So korang semua boleh lah pergi kesana untuk shopping.
Sebelum tu, Uncle Az nak bagi tips sikit kalau nak beli kat sini... Ini berdasarkan pengalaman Uncle Az. Ianya may be berlainan dengan orang lain.

  1. Memandangkan pilihannya terlalu banyak so shortlisted kan terlebih dahulu pilihan kita.Pastikan you all dah ada concept untuk rumah you all. Bukan apa nanti you all semua blur nak buat pilihan. Mcm kes Uncle Az, wife Uncle Az dah tetapkan conceptnya... Walaupun begitu Uncle Az still interrupt jugak choice dia hihihi.
  2. Jika pergi membawa bayi kecil, agak sukar untuk kita bawa stroller ke dalam kedai ini kerana orang ramai dan pergerakkan stroller kita terbatas. *anak2 pun bole hilang kawalan mood sebab confirm kite akan duk lama tgk2 lampu kat situ..hihihi..
  3. Bancuh susu secukupnya untuk baby kita sebelum masuk kedalam kedai dan sediakan snek/makanan untuk diorg.
  4. Exercise tengkok anda yerk sebelum keluar kereta. Kalau dah keluar kereta baru nak exercise nanti orang tengok pelik pulak..hahahah
  5. Masuk kat dalam kedai tu baca Bismillahirahmanirahim dulu tau... baru berkat & korang tak membazir beli lampu yang merapu.hihihi
  6. Mulakan pencarian lampu chandelier dulu sebelum kelampu yang lain sebabnya nak pilih lampu yang lain tu dah kira senang dah. Setakat downlight, lampu dinding & kipas pilihan nya tak memeningkan sangat.
  7. Kereta yang korang bawa pastikan tiada barang lain didalamnya sebabnya jika kita dah shopping sakan alamatnya kereta dah tak muat. (Uncle Az kena buat 2 trips kesana sbb tak cukup space kereta dah).
  8. Bila dah shortlisted & finalize pilihan korang baru korang panggil salesman/salesgirl yang ada. Pastu baru korang try minta diskaun kalo ada.
  9. Semua barang sebelum kita bayar akan ada sesi check & inspection. So kalau korang beli lampu yang berdiamond berbiji - biji pastikan diamond nya cukup sifat & cukup kuantiti. Tak puas hati terus tukar & jangan pendam! Kalau boleh tengok lampu yang di display tu betul - betul and puas hati. (Jangan jadi mcm Uncle Az, beli lampu chandelier kristal 2 unit, malangnya bilangan kristal tak cukup 11... aduiii.... dah kena pergi balik kedai tu)
  10. Pastikan bawa duit sebanyak & secukupnya untuk menggelakkan korang tak pergi mengulang ke kedai tu.hahaha

Ini lampu chandelier yang Uncle Az beli tak cukup biji kristalnya

Banyak sungguh down-light untuk dipilih

Antara lampu chandelier yang ada. Nak tengok kena dongak & dongak sampai tengkuk lembik

Murah tak? Uncle Az tak minat yang ini

Antara lampu dinding yang menjadi pilihan ramai orang
Senarai Harga Kipas

Banyak sangat pilihan..korang pilih sendiri je lah..hihi

Ada yang bentuk macam ni jugak