
Tuesday 7 July 2015

Derma darah

    #‎BloodDonation‬ ‪#‎DermaDarah‬ ‪#‎Ramadan‬

    Hari ini dah 19 Ramadan 1436H bersamaan 6 Julai 2015. Sepatutnya ia dikongsi pada 26 Jun 2015 yang lalu. Entah mengapa setelah dikarang saya memadamkan nya. Harap masih belum terlewat untuk dikongsi.
    9 Ramadan 1436H / 26 Jun 2015

    Sila share jika anda rasa ianya bermanfaat :

    Doktor J : Platelets you too low. And perlu masuk platelets baru.
    Patient A : Ok doctor
    Doctor J : However during Ramadan our stok tak mencukupi and you may be get it in a few days. Platelets just can be keep in 5 days.
    And the donor cannot choose who are the recipient.
    Patient A : muka pasrah
    Doctor J : Did you have Facebook. .? Social Media. .?
    Patient A : yes..
    Doctor J : Please ask for a donor. We need it. I'm serious about it.
    Patient A : just keep smiling
    Doctor J : Welcome To Malaysia.
    Doctor T : The whole KL is difficult to get.

    Saya harap luahan hati ini dapat sampai kepada semua.
    Walaupun ianya bukan untuk saya. At least we help others people.
    Dulu saya pun beranggapan seperti kebanyakan orang yang saya tidak memerlukan penderma darah. Hari ini nyata meleset.

    Untuk rekod bacaan Platelets pada hari ini adalah 15.

    Terima kasih.

    Alhamdulillah patient berjaya memperoleh platelets dari penderma jam 8.34 pm pada 26 Jun 2015. Terima kasih kepada yang menderma. Ternyata kami amat terhutang budi dengan jasa anda. Semoga Allah merahmati hidup anda di dunia dan akhirat. Aameen Ya Rabbalalamin. Insya Allah

    Untuk bulan Ramadan
    Waktu operasi Pusat Darah Negara KL
    Jalan Tun Razak
    Kuala Lumpur
    Tel: +603 2613 2688

    Kaunter Pendermaan Darah

    Isnin hingga Jumaat :
    7.30 am hingga 8.00 pm
    Sabtu : 8.00 am hingga 4.00 pm (Whole Blood & Aferesis) Ahad : 8.00 am hingga 4.00 pm
    Juga boleh pergi ke mana mana tempat yang mengadakan program derma darah.

Wednesday 10 June 2015

Secondary Cancer In The Bone

Where a cancer starts is called the primary cancer. If some cells break away from the primary cancer and move to another part of the body they can form another tumour – a secondary cancer. Cancer that has spread into the bone from another part of the body is called a secondary bone cancer.

Symptoms of secondary bone cancer may include
Pain due to breakdown of the bone
Weakened bones
Raised blood calcium levels, which can cause dehydration, confusion, vomiting, abdominal pain and constipation
Low levels of blood cells, causing anaemia, an increased risk of infection, and bruising or bleeding

Tests for secondary bone cancer include a bone scan. You may also have an MRI scan, a PET scan and X-rays.

The aim of treatment is usually to control the cancer and any symptoms, and to prevent problems developing. This is called palliative treatment. Deciding about treatment can be difficult when you have an advanced cancer. You need to understand what the treatment can do for you. You may also want to think about your quality of life during treatment.

Any cancer can spread to the bone. The most common cancers to do so are

Prostate cancer
Breast cancer
Lung cancer
Kidney cancer
Thyroid cancer

Coping with a secondary bone cancer can be difficult. Finding out you have secondary cancer is likely to bring up many feelings. You may be frightened, angry, shocked or numb. Support to help you cope is available at the hospital, from your GP and specialist nurses, and from support groups or online forums.

Research is going on all the time into improving treatments for secondary bone cancer and helping people to cope with symptoms. Cancer Research UK supports a lot of UK laboratory research into cancer and also supports many UK and international clinical trials.

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Strawberries are one of the most higlhy concentrated antioxidant fruits. The antioxidants found in strawberries have been shown to fight carcinogens and LDL, the bad cholesterol which can lead to heart disease. In addition, strawberries contain a high amount of folic acid. Folic acid is vital to for pregnant women because it plays a vital role in preventing birth defects. However, folic acid is important to everyone, as inadequate levels can lead to dementia, heart disease, osteoporosis and many cancers.

#cancerUK #cancer #CancerAwareness #healthyfood #health #food #body #antioxidant #strawberry #strawberries #love #care #hope #smile #help #support #cure #gettoknowcancer #cruk #cancerresearchuk #macmillan #nhs #bupa #eat #share #Regrann from -

Vitamin D

Laboratory studies have shown that vitamin D deficiency can lead to decreased communication between cells and leads them to stop sticking to one another, a condition that could cause cancer cells to spread. Compared with normal cells, cancer cells remain in an immature state, and vitamin D appears to have a role in making cells mature. Vitamin D also appears to play a role in regulating cellular reproduction, which malfunctions (doesn't work properly) in cancer. Higher levels of vitamin D lead to cellular adherence, maturation, and communication between cells, all of which may lower cancer risk.

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Broccoli could soon protect people from cancer of the mouth, throat, neck and head in a new treatment known as “green chemoprevention.” Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage and garden cress have a high concentration of sulforaphane.

Previous studies, including large-scale trials in China, have shown sulforaphane helps mitigate the effects of environmental carcinogens.

Now lab tests have shown extracts made from broccoli sprout protected mice against oral cancer.

American scientists now plan to carry out clinical trial on patients at high risk of a recurrence of head and neck cancer.

They will be given capsules containing broccoli seed powder to determine if they can tolerate the regimen and whether it has enough of an impact on their oral lining to prevent cancer. (Apr.2015)

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Cancer immunotherapy - treatments

Cancer immunotherapy — treatments that harness and enhance the innate powers of the immune system to fight cancer—represents the most promising new cancer treatment approach since the development of the first chemotherapies in the late 1940s.
Because of the immune system’s extraordinary power, its capacity for memory, its exquisite specificity, and its central and universal role in human biology, these treatments have the potential to achieve complete, long-lasting remissions and cancer cures, with few or no side effects, and for any cancer patient, regardless of their cancer type.

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